Joy In Pressing On! – Part 9

Do you feel that regardless of how much money you make, it’s never enough? Bills are inevitable and various necessities always seem to present themselves at the wrong time. In these closing verses of Philippians Paul talks about having lots and having little....

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 8

Psychology teaches us the mind is extremely powerful. Scripture tells us to guard what kind of things we think on. Join us as we continue our study in Philippians and discover that which is beneficial to our mind! Philippians 4:8-9

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 7

Anxiety in our society has risen over the last year. Do you consider yourself an anxious person? Do you feel as though you battle anxiety? Join us as we discover Scriptures advice on overcoming anxiety. Philippians 4:1-7

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 6

Are you one to press on when things get difficult? Does part of your past seem to keep you from experiencing joy today? Join us as we see how the apostle Paul addressed these questions? Philippians 3:12-2

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 5

Our walk through the book of Philippians reveals what Paul longed to know. Consider what you would like to know and how it resembles or differs from Paul’s desire. Philippians 3:1-11
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