
Thanksgiving Dinner

November 19, 2017 Join us Sunday, November 19th, for our Thanksgiving Dinner at 12:15 PM. Our service is at 9:30 AM and we have Sunday School at 11 AM. Turkey and stuffing will be provided. Please bring a dish to share which could be a side dish, salad, or dessert. If you are new to our church, feel free to come without bringing a dish and just get to know our church family while celebrating the many things God has provided us. We hope to see you there.

Christmas Program

December 17, 2017

Come for our annual Christmas program. This is a fun time to focus on Christmas and God becoming one of us.

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2017

Celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 24th with Kingwood Bible Church.

A delicious breakfast will be served at 9 AM followed by a worship service at 10 AM. Enjoy a special Christmas Eve service in the evening at 7 PM as we light the final advent candle, sing and listen to Christmas carols, and hear from God’s Word.


Good Friday Service

April 14, 2017

Join us as we remember the suffering Jesus endured on the cross for our sake.  There will be a time for reading the Bible, singing, and communion.  Use this service and the days before Easter to think about what our Savior went through for you.  God loves you so much that he died for you.

December 31st

December 31, 2017

Come join us for the last day of 2017.  Service is at 9:30 AM.  After church we will have an Appreciation Celebration for Peter and Katy.  Peter has been on staff as our Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry and Katy has volunteered leading our Children’s Ministry.  A Soup and Bread lunch will be ready for the congregation to enjoy.  There will be no Sunday School this Sunday

Easter Breakfast and Service

April 16, 2017

Join us on the most important celebration of the year as we celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection with him overcoming sin, shame, and death.  Encounter the joy of Jesus rising from the dead as we honor God with our worship.  The tomb is empty for he has risen.


9:15 AM Breakfast will begin in the gym.

10 AM – Kids will add flowers to the cross

10:15 AM – The Cross will be brought in a procession from the gym to the sanctuary

The service will begin soon after the cross is placed in the sanctuary.

Details on food to bring will be provided in the bulletin and announcements.

Vacation Bible School

June 25, 2017

6 PM to 8:30 PM.

Family fun for ages 4 to 5th grade.

Sing songs, play games, and hear true stories about the God who created you.



Kenya Kindness Work Day

April 2, 2017

All ages welcome

Pizza, salad, pop, laughter, friendship, cutting out nametags, assembling necklaces, sewing beanbags, working together for God’s kids in Kenya

Come make a difference at Kingwood Bible Church, 1125 Elm St. NW.  We’ll hang out in the Fireside Room with Gil and Carol Harder, missionaries to Kenya.

Current needs:

  • Red, yellow, green, purple, orange bandanas (22”x22” size)
  • Large “roller suitcases”
  • Medium weight fluorescent orange posterboard
  •  Crayola crayons and soccer balls

Gil, Carol, Rebeca and Sharon will take everything to Kenya July 6-24 on the second Teach to Reach Africa Trip.   If you have any questions, please call/text Sharon Andersen

Good Friday Communion

March 25, 2016

Join us at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room for a Good Friday Service and time of communion as we remember the death of our Lord Jesus.  Don’t forget to join us on Sunday to celebrate his resurrection.

Spring Women’s Evening Dinner

April 1, 2016

Theme “Colored by God”

guest speaker

catered dinner by Wild Pear–cost $13

invite a friend too but sign up at church foyer

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