Women’s Ministry

Kingwood Bible Womens Ministry

The Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women to experience God’s Word, share time with community, enjoy each other’s gifts, and support one another in grace and love.

A weekly Bible study provides an opportunity to learn and grow.

Events during the year such as a day trip or mini-retreat to the beach, a Bunko Night, Christmas luncheon, and summer lake day, allow for women to enjoy casual fellowship and serve each other according to their gifting. With each event we purpose to encourage the women who are already a part of our church family and also reach out and invite other women to participate.

Women college age and above are welcome at every event and for some events the younger ladies of the church are included. Childcare and transportation are available upon request. Multi-generational friendships and interaction are important to us and vital for spiritual growth.

We plan our calendar in conjunction with the men’s, youth and church family ministry.

If you are a woman looking for opportunities to enjoy the friendship and support of other women, we would love to have you connect with us.

We have room for you!

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