The Men’s Ministry at Kingwood Bible Church began with the vision to provide an opportunity for men to do something together on a quarterly basis.
Because life is already busy, it was decided to keep things simple.
With that in mind, once per quarter the men’s ministry plans a Saturday morning prayer breakfast. This event is offered free of charge to any man who wants to attend. A hearty breakfast is prepared by some of the men in the church family. Following the meal, time is spent in prayer for the church and other concerns that may be happening in the community.
Other events that happen during the year have included a Men’s Golf day, where the men meet at a local golf course and play 9 holes together. In addition, each summer the men’s ministry heads up the annual Neighborhood BBQ and Classic Car Show in the parking lot of the church. The community is invited to enjoy burgers off the grill with all the trimmings, activities for children and a display of classic cars. Attendees even get to participate in voting for their favorite classic car. The event is free and all are welcome!
If you are a man who is looking for an opportunity to do things with other men. You are welcome to connect with us. We have room for you!