Oct 3, 2021
The saying goes a frog in a pot of water slowly brought to a boil doesn’t recognize the temperature increasing. Culture is quickly shifting. Do we discern when the shift is unhealthy and what response is best? The book of Daniel presents an example worth noting...
Sep 27, 2021
A relationship with God doesn’t mean you are oblivious to pain and difficulty. No, a relationship with God means He is present when you encounter pain and difficulty. This message identifies the hardships Daniel and his friends endured as they were forced into...
Sep 19, 2021
If the culture surrounding you wears you down occasionally, this message is for you. This series examines the first half of the book of Daniel. It describes a few young people, taken against their will to a foreign land, yet chose to stand strong in the midst of...
Sep 12, 2021
If you sense the need for renewal of mind and spirit, this message is for you! Life brings with it a sense of weariness. Tired people need help…God gives it! Isaiah 40:18-31
Sep 5, 2021
Are you feeling discouraged? Does the hurts of the world get you feeling down? If so, discouragement isn’t a feeling any desires, but also know you are not the first to experience these feelings. The “Sons of Korah” spoke to these feelings in the...