Jun 20, 2021
This summer we are working through a series of parables Jesus taught. The Parable of the Lost Son provides focus for this message. But this parable goes deeper than the lost son! Luke 15:11-32
Jun 13, 2021
Join us as we worship together and hear from our guest Jon Wiebe who leads the US Mennonite Brethren Foundation.
Jun 6, 2021
Kingwood is thrilled to send off two of our own serving the Lord in Kenya! As their sending church, we have the opportunity to bless Joshua and Rebeca with love, support, and prayer. Join this special occasion and celebration!
May 31, 2021
Jesus used parables to communicate great truths. This was a clever way to convey his message, but was there a further reason? This message unpacks his reasoning and introduces the theme for this summer. Mark 4:1-20, 33-34
May 24, 2021
Believers in Jesus who seek to truly follow him are counter-cultural. They seek transformation of the mind by the Spirit of God. This requires answering one question. Join us for the question.