Jun 21, 2020
The third beatitude Jesus taught once again reminds us just how upside down his teaching went to natural thinking. Jesus emphasized that meek people are actually the ones who inherit the earth. Join us for this timely Father’s Day message!
Jun 14, 2020
How well do you relate to mourning and grief? This message recognizes that God comforts his children in the midst of sorrow but it also recognizes the need to mourn over the very things God mourns over. Just what does he mourn over? Join this summer walk through the...
Jun 6, 2020
Join this summer walk through the beatitudes, the way of true blessing stated by Jesus. According to Jesus, the way to true blessing or true happiness comes contrary to what one expects. Let your mind engage with this first beatitude which provides a foundation for...
May 31, 2020
Consider what you are looking to for deep-seated happiness. Have you found something that proves to be long-lasting or temporary? Join the introduction to a new series, “Upsides Down – A Summer Walk through the Beatitudes.” Jesus says true happiness...
May 24, 2020
This message observes an encounter Jesus had involving children, but it comes at a place in the gospels least expected. Children teach grown-ups much and Jesus understood this. At the close of the message, communion will be observed. You are invited to participate in...