Go Down, Grow Bold, Moses – Part 6

Do you struggle to accept consequences? Do you think punishment is unfair? Do you believe God has the right to determine consequences? Further, do you recognize God’s mercy when He provides an alternative to consequences He has forewarned?

Go Down, Grow Bold, Moses – Part 5

Has God made Himself known to you before? Perhaps in a time a desperation, His power became known. The book of Exodus recounts the bondage of God’s people. It was in the midst of this that God displayed his supreme power.

Go Down, Grow Bold, Moses – Part 4

Discouragement is real and faith in the Lord doesn’t make a person exempt. This message continues a study on Moses, a bold leader, but someone who understood discouragement. Interestingly, as Moses initially grew in boldness, discouragement quickly set in....

Go Down, Grow Bold, Moses – Part 3

Trusting in personal ability quickly grows unhealthy. Overconfidence of ability leads to arrogance; a lack of confidence brings defeat. Both are unhealthy. God works powerfully when we step out in boldness understanding that His empowerment is where we find our...

Go Down, Grow Bold, Moses – Part 2

Sometimes we act out of good intention but lack the wisdom and empowerment from God. Moses saw the injustice of his people and wanted to do something; however he was not ready to lead a nation out of Egypt. Good intentions must be met with Spirit empowerment and...
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