The Art of Listening

We live in a society of people who do their best to broadcast. Social media is a tool people use to get their “words” out. But how often do we listen? While speaking tends to come naturally, listening does not. The book of Proverbs tells us that the wise choose to...

Words That Speak Life

Have you ever accidentally neglected to water a potted plant?  Plants are dependent upon the water they receive.  Words we speak are like water to a plant.  They can build others up; but words can also tear others down.  How do people look after...

Because of Jesus

This worship gathering focuses on three aspects: a baby dedication, youth sharing how God challenged them while serving, and communion.  For all three it can be said “Because of Jesus.”  Desiring to see an infant grow to walk with Jesus is a motivational...

Feeling a Bit Sluggish?

The book of Proverbs, on numerous occasions, challenges the way of a sluggard (lazy person). The solution? According to King Solomon, one is to examine ants and begin taking notes. Although it may seem humiliating to learn from such tiny creatures, ants have a work...

Who Are You Leaning On?

While it is nearly impossible to lean on oneself, think about how often people tend to trust their own intuition or abilities over the Lord. This is a temptation people of all ages are faced with. This message continues to engage the mind with the book of Proverbs,...
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