When I’m Hurting (Part 3)

This message is the third and final part of this series focusing on life’s difficulties.  The question raised: why trust God in the midst of hurt?  Listen to discover the two main reasons given.

When I’m Hurting (Part 2)

Although people often try to run away from pain, it is something that cannot be avoided in life. As believers, how do we view difficulty when we are in the midst of it? James 1:1-12 gives us a healthy perspective that God is at work in us in the midst of the...

When I’m Hurting (Part 1)

Have you lost someone close to you? As you look to the future, do you sense great uncertainty? Are you having to work through relational hurts with people you have trusted in the past? Are you watching people you greatly care about make poor choices or endure...

Making Christ Known (Part 2)

This message continues to examine the visit Paul had to Athens, Greece, a culture living opposed to the message he was preaching. In his attempt to share the message of Christ with the philosophers of the day, Paul built a bridge into their life so that his message...

Making Christ Known (Part 1)

If you have ever been discouraged by the decline of morality in our society or by the apathy many seem to have for God and His Word, you’re in good company. The apostle Paul was confronted with such cultures too; however it was worse for him! In this message we look...
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