Apr 1, 2018
Skepticism is common among people today…and rightly so because counterfeit and fake permeate many aspects of our culture. So when approaching the claims of the Bible, it causes people to question its validity as well. In this message we examine secular/non-Christian...
Mar 30, 2018
This message looks back at the cross and reflects on the great sacrifice made at the cross. For the believer, a couple of questions are raised in Romans 8:31-39. If God is for us, who can be against us (vv. 31)? What can separate us from the love of Christ (vv. 35)?...
Mar 25, 2018
Do you ever get so focused on how you believe God is supposed to work in your life that you actually miss what God is doing in your life? When we think about miracles Jesus performed, our minds naturally gravitate towards the “big” ones – walking on water,...
Mar 18, 2018
In this message, we look at another encounter the disciples had with a storm…only this time Jesus was not in the boat. After witnessing the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus made the disciples get in a boat and cross over the Sea of Galilee. During the night, they were hit...
Mar 11, 2018
Life is difficult for all people, regardless of their religious beliefs. Mark 4:35-41 describes a hardship the disciples encountered. While passing across the Sea of Galilee, they were hit by a storm. It was so great they feared for their life. Finally, at their wits’...