Mar 20, 2016
Luke 19:28-48 is the story of Jesus “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem. As a king, he was unusual in that he begins with the heart not the power. Also a song by Martha Schwartz on cello and Pat Veer on piano.
Mar 13, 2016
Commandment # 6 dealing with murder and respect for life. Part 6 of 10 commandment series. Song by Ryan Kargel.
Feb 28, 2016
Feb 28, 2016
Exodus 20:8 and Genesis 2:1-18 deal with the origin and value of the Sabbath rest–physically, community, and spiritually. Work and creativity form the backdrop for rest and worship.
Feb 21, 2016
Exodus 20: 7 deals with respect for God by respecting His name. Teaches that God is personal.