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1 Samuel

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 13

What recent or significant transitions have defined your life? How well do you deal with transitions? Join us for the conclusion of this series from 1 Samuel on "Transitions"!

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 12

The Bible includes some passages which are downright hard to understand and interpret. Perhaps occasionally we may even feel it easier if some passages were omitted altogether. This message takes a look at just such a passage!

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 11

The saga continues as Saul aggressively continues his pursuit of David's life. But this message focuses on how David responds when the tide changes and he could take control. It is a message which speaks to forgiveness and learning to let go. If you get an error...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 10

How do you respond when you feel like your life is in a desert? Why offer thankfulness when life isn't going as preferred? This message continues through the book of 1 Samuel offering insight for today! If you get an error message, we suggest using the Chrome browser...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 9

Sometimes jealousy is healthy...but most often it is unhealthy. In this message we consider a high-ranking man who let jealousy dictate his life. What a mess unhealthy jealousy creates! Join us we learn from a 3,000-year-old relationship with implications for today!...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 8

People can look pretty tough, like they have it all together on the outside...but sometimes that is not what is truly going on within. If insecurities could speak, all people would have to sympathize. That is okay! God's greatest work is done through our weakness....

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 7

Have you ever made a poor choice that greatly altered life? Israel's leadership did. Saul did too. While the impatience and foolish behavior of Saul is portrayed in this message, so is the patience of God. Join us for this study!

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 6

Have you ever made a poor choice that greatly altered life? Israel's leadership did. Saul did too. While the impatience and foolish behavior of Saul is portrayed in this message, so is the patience of God. Join us for this study! If you get an error message, we...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 5

Have you ever wanted something really bad only to find it wasn’t as good as you thought? The nation of Israel wanted a king, but God warned them through Samuel what the outcome would be. By the way, having a king wasn’t the problem! What was the problem? Join us on...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 4

Do you ever feel as though God doesn’t like you? Like he just doesn’t care about your well-being? The people of God living 3,000 years ago felt like God had abandoned them; the truth of the matter reveals that God was with them all along. In actuality, they had...

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