Applied Faith

Applied Faith: The Rock

Matthew 16:13-28 tells of Peter's confession of faith in Jesus. Jesus then tells of the "Church" being built on that confession. Also song by Peter Ellis.

Applied Faith: Warrior (Jesus)

Matthew 3:13--4:11 tells the story of Jesus' baptism and then temptation in the wilderness by Satan. Jesus as savior and Lord we get. But Jesus as model for living is less well known.

Applied Faith: Timothy

End times need the challenge of living faithfully. Paul Challenges Timothy, whom he mentored, about where to find the spiritual resources. Opens with a song by Anita Davis in honor of her husband Dave, one of us who has gone ahead.

Applied Faith: Broken

John 4 tells the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Grace, acceptance, and forgiveness for brokenness applied.

Applied Faith: Jonah

The story of Jonah is about callings from God and the willingness to respond.

Applied Faith: U-Turns

Acts 9 contains the story of Paul's Damascus Road conversion to Jesus. Also included, a song by Ryan Kargel

Applied Faith: Down From the Mountain

the Mount of Transfiguration story teaches us that the finished Kingdom will come but in the meantime we have work to do down from the mountain.

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