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Jesus Centered Teaching

Jesus Centered Teaching – Matthew 6:1-4

Do you do what you do to be noticed by others? Do you do it for their applause? If so, Jesus has some sharp words to speak. On the other hand, do you recognize you are called to shine so that others will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven? Where is...

Matthew 21:8-17

This message observes an encounter Jesus had involving children, but it comes at a place in the gospels least expected. Children teach grown-ups much and Jesus understood this. At the close of the message, communion will be observed. You are invited to participate in...

Jesus-Centered Teaching

To think of others more highly than oneself goes against human nature and against societal norms. Yet Scripture instructs believers to live in such a way. Matthew 20:20-28 is an account of Jesus’ interaction with a mother and two boys desiring greatness. Jesus...

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