David Van Boven

Power Encounter

Exodus 4 tells of Moses's resistance to God's call and God's reminder that the fear is real but He is greater than the spiritual forces Moses will encounter.

Which God

Exodus 3 and 4 shows God interacting with Moses about his calling to lead. God reveals his personal name Yahweh as the authority behind Moses.

When God Calls

Exodus 3 teaches us that God has a calling for everybody. Moses' reaction to the burning bush sounds familiar.

Mothers and God

1 Samuel chapter one gives the birth of the Prophet Samuel but from his mother's point of view. Also a look at metaphors for God that teach his nurturing nature.

Baptism Sunday – Romans 6

Challenges to and baptism of 6 followers of Jesus and the message from Romans 6 about the meaning of baptism. Also a song by Peter Ellis.

A Passion For Justice

Chapter 2 of Exodus tells the back-story of Moses, who even before he was called to lead, had a passion for justice - as does God. Includes a piano solo by Christina Dykes,

God Has Eyes

Exodus 1. Beginning of series in this Old Testament book. Music by Ryan Kargel.

Resurrection, Just the Beginning

Easter message from Matthew 28 dealing with the resurrection of Jesus and the possible responses. Includes a personal testimony from Steve Jones.

Final Week – Decision Time

Number 3 in series dealing with the final week of Jesus ministry. This message deals with Matthew 21:23-46 where Jesus gives warning by parables that If they choose not to respond then God will move on.

Final Week – By Whose Authority?

#2 in series dealing with Jesus' last week as recorded in Matthew 21, this week verses 12-27. Jesus proves to be radical in speaking truth to power and is challenged for it. He also addresses the subject of miracles.

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