Nathan Ensz

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 6

Have you ever made a poor choice that greatly altered life? Israel's leadership did. Saul did too. While the impatience and foolish behavior of Saul is portrayed in this message, so is the patience of God. Join us for this study! If you get an error message, we...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 5

Have you ever wanted something really bad only to find it wasn’t as good as you thought? The nation of Israel wanted a king, but God warned them through Samuel what the outcome would be. By the way, having a king wasn’t the problem! What was the problem? Join us on...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 4

Do you ever feel as though God doesn’t like you? Like he just doesn’t care about your well-being? The people of God living 3,000 years ago felt like God had abandoned them; the truth of the matter reveals that God was with them all along. In actuality, they had...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 3

How well do you listen?  If you struggle to listen to others, is it possible you also struggle to listen to the Lord?  The Lord speaks…a questions should remain: do I listen? 

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 2

What one thing must you have for life to feel good?  How would you honestly answer this question during this season of your life?  Part 2 of this series explores the life of Hannah and how she would likely have answered that question.  That which we believe will make...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 1

The book of 1 Samuel records various transitions the people of God encountered. Although the events of this book took place 3,000 years ago, it shares principles to apply today. Consider what transitions you are faced with. Consider the transitions our own country has...

Jesus Centered Teaching – Matthew 6:1-4

Do you do what you do to be noticed by others? Do you do it for their applause? If so, Jesus has some sharp words to speak. On the other hand, do you recognize you are called to shine so that others will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven? Where is...

Upside Down – Part 9

Today we dive into Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Below is the video recording of the service:

Upside Down – Part 8

Do you sense growing conflict in our nation? Do you recognize the struggle of nations over the centuries? Even on a personal level, do you sense tension as it relates to others? Join us tomorrow as we discuss Jesus' words regarding the seventh Beatitude, "Blessed are...

Upside Down – Part 7

Do you ever feel as though you can't see God working? Do you grow discouraged feeling like you should see movement from God is greater ways? The sixth Beatitude Jesus taught exclaims, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will SEE God." Join us this Sunday and we'll...

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