Nathan Ensz

Shine: Hindrances – Part 2

Followers of Jesus should bring light to the world, but certain behaviors and attitudes can stand in the way. What stands in the way? This message shares both hindrances and the solution to shining. Sunday Questions ~ April 26, 2020 sHine: Hindrance (Part 2)...

Shine: Souce – Part 1

This message is the beginning of a new series. Followers of Jesus are called to shine in the midst of spiritual darkness permeating the world. In order to shine one must know the source of light!

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 14

This Easter celebration examines the final verses of Ephesians – the armor of God.  While it may seem unusual to look at this passage for Easter, the reason believers are able to stand their ground against the enemy is fully because of the resurrection of...

Good Friday

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we were not able to have a Good Friday gathering. Instead, please watch the video message from Pastor Nathan, sing along to a song, and take communion in your home. How Deep the Father’s Love for Us How deep the Father’s love for us, how...

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 12

The focus in the message today emphasizes the relationship between husband and wife, keeping in mind this is a picture of the relationship of Christ and his church.  Ephesians 5:22-31 Below is the FB Live Stream video recording.

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 11

While you may be tempted to wonder if it is okay to continue our study from the book of Ephesians, consider that believers of Paul's day fully understood economic hardship, disease, and the pain of living in a fallen world...yet Paul shares these words with them. May...

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 10

This message contains a response to COVID-19 followed by brief introduction to Ephesians 5. Paul reminds believers in this section of Ephesians that imitating God calls for a life lived differently. Love for Jesus is best evidenced by turning away from tendencies...

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 9

In Ephesians 4:17-32, Paul instructs believers to “put off” certain traits which describe life outside of a relationship with Jesus, followed by a directive regarding what to “put on.” Listen and consider what areas you need to bring under the Lord’s control – whether...

Ephesians: Vibrant Love for Jesus – Part 8

Enjoy this shorter message on unity, looking specifically at Ephesians 4:1-16 where Paul tells believers to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit” (vv. 3).  Jesus provided unity through the cross.  Maintaining unity is the call of every...

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