Nathan Ensz

A Heart That’s True

This week we consider the perspective of Elisha, one of God's prophets. Elisha was a man who was known, lived to make God known, and refused to be known for that which God is to be known. Elisha had a heart that is true. We too are known by those around us. How are...

Lessons from a Little Girl

This message takes a look at the narrative of Naaman, the leprous, but considers the perspective from his servant girl.  Think about how difficult it would have been for this Israelite girl to be taken captive from her family and homeland and yet still be willing...

God’s Pursuit // My Pride

We have recorded in 2 Kings 5 an encounter of Naaman, a high ranking commander in the Aramean army, with Elisha the prophet of God from Israel. Their paths cross due to a disease called leprosy. God uses all means to demonstrate His pursuit of people. The main thing...

Come to the Table

Habits can be good, but habits can also be dangerous. When we celebrate the Communion Table we need to guard that it doesn’t become a habit that is stripped of its meaning. This message revisits The Last Supper as recorded by the gospel writer Luke. The call to...

Change – Embracing the New

The past should serve as a teacher.  It should remind us that God is faithful.  While the past should be recognized and learned from, we need to embrace the present.  If our focus is only on what things used to be like, we will miss out on what God has...

Installation Service and Communion – With Gary Wall

Communion  - Led by Gary Wall from the Pacific District of Mennonite Brethren Churches At about 11 minutes - Installation Section At about 18 minutes - Certification as Licensed Minister and comments by Nathan

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