Nathan Ensz

God Will Give Them Light – Part 1

We are drawn to light. If you want to spook someone good, just turn out the lights! Light is something we all appreciate, and according to the closing remarks in the book of Revelation, it is something God provides. This advent season we will look at light throughout...

Let Us Be Thankful

Whether it is easy or difficult to find reasons to give thanks, the writer of Hebrews offers a reason worth noting. Join us as we uncover a reason for thanksgiving regardless of circumstances. Hebrews 12:26-29

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 9

Living in Babylon - Lessons from Daniel - Part 9 This message wraps up a study from the first half of the book of Daniel. In it we look specifically at principles that translate into living in our own "Babylon." Plus, a final word is given to Daniel at the close of...

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 8

Would others describe you as a person with consistent character and strong conviction? And further, does your consistency and conviction line up with God? These two qualities are becoming a rarity, but oh so needed today! Daniel 6:1-28

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 7

Some decisions are not nearly as hard as we make them. Often times we know what we should do, but our follow-through lacks. This message hits on some unnerving words Daniel spoke to king Belshazzar. They challenge us to put into practice that which we know. Daniel...

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 6

"Pride goes before destruction" says the writer of Proverbs. This message recounts a king who grew extremely full of himself but ended up distastefully humbled. As we consider this example it begs the question: what does it take for God to get our attention? Daniel...

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 5

Who is your allegiance to? God or something or someone else? Three young Hebrew men took a stand years ago before a king because their allegiance was to God. It was costly, yet God took care of them when their choice had huge implications. Daniel 3:1-30

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 4

God pursues everyone...including you. And God is sovereignly in control of all situations...including yours! Join us for this message from the book of Daniel and we will see these two principles fleshed out. Daniel 2:1-49

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 3

The saying goes a frog in a pot of water slowly brought to a boil doesn't recognize the temperature increasing. Culture is quickly shifting. Do we discern when the shift is unhealthy and what response is best? The book of Daniel presents an example worth noting which...

Living in Babylon – Lessons from Daniel – Part 2

A relationship with God doesn't mean you are oblivious to pain and difficulty. No, a relationship with God means He is present when you encounter pain and difficulty. This message identifies the hardships Daniel and his friends endured as they were forced into...

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