Nathan Ensz

The Only Way He Taught Them – Part 1

Jesus used parables to communicate great truths. This was a clever way to convey his message, but was there a further reason? This message unpacks his reasoning and introduces the theme for this summer. Mark 4:1-20, 33-34

One Thing I Know… Be Transformed – Part 2

Believers in Jesus who seek to truly follow him are counter-cultural. They seek transformation of the mind by the Spirit of God. This requires answering one question. Join us for the question.

One Thing I Know…Be Transformed – Part 1

If believers in Jesus are not transformed by Jesus, it is safe to say they are growing in conformity to the world. Spiritual transformation doesn’t begin with religion…it begins with Jesus. Only through Jesus can change truly occur.

Love Your Neighbor – Part 4

When prompted, Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to love neighbor as one loves self. Join us for the conclusion to this series as we discover what else Scripture says regarding "neighbor."

Love Your Neighbor – Part 2

The Good Samaritan is a well-known parable Jesus told...yet maybe there is a thing or two you haven't considered before. Join us as we answer the question, "Who is my neighbor?"

Love Your Neighbor – Part 1

Imagine how society might differ is we took the second greatest commandment seriously. Jesus said to love neighbor as self. The tendency is to turn this into people. What if Jesus actually meant the person next door? Join us! Matthew 22:34-40

Easter Service 2021

Do you have a hard time moving beyond failure? Do you ever feel that because of past decisions you are not good enough for God? If so, this is a message you need to hear! Join us for this Easter celebration. Mark 16:1-8

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 9

Do you feel that regardless of how much money you make, it's never enough? Bills are inevitable and various necessities always seem to present themselves at the wrong time. In these closing verses of Philippians Paul talks about having lots and having little. Join us!...

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 8

Psychology teaches us the mind is extremely powerful. Scripture tells us to guard what kind of things we think on. Join us as we continue our study in Philippians and discover that which is beneficial to our mind! Philippians 4:8-9

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