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Father’s Day Message

This message today is especially for fathers, focusing on the challenges Christian men are faced with as well as how fathers can thrive in the midst of those challenges.

Teach These Things (Part 3)

This is the final message in a mini-series from the letters Paul wrote to a young pastor in 1 & 2 Timothy.  This message notes the common thread of instruction given surrounding the plea to Timothy to teach these things.  What is that common...

Teach These Things (Part 2)

This message continues to look at a letter Paul wrote to Timothy, a young pastor giving leadership in the church at Ephesus. Paul’s instruction to Timothy was to “teach these things.” If there are certain things Timothy was to teach, what are they? This message...

Teach These Things (Part 1)

The books 1 & 2 Timothy were written to a young pastor overseeing a church in Ephesus. One can imagine may have gone through Timothy’s head as the task at hand likely seemed bigger than what he felt capable of. Paul writes to encourage Timothy to teach certain...

Youth Sunday

This Sunday our youth led every aspect of our worship gathering! The audio portion includes ways our youth will be serving this summer, a student testimony, and hearing about the call of God on Seth, our youth ministry interns life!

How to Honor Our Mother

Scripture instructs believers to honor their mother. It shares no “loop holes” giving an out on this one. Honor is expected. But what does honoring a mother look like? This message provides four examples of what it means to honor mom!

Jesus-Centered Teaching

To think of others more highly than oneself goes against human nature and against societal norms. Yet Scripture instructs believers to live in such a way. Matthew 20:20-28 is an account of Jesus’ interaction with a mother and two boys desiring greatness. Jesus...

Jesus-Centered Teaching

This is a standalone message designed to examine the life of Jesus, learning from Him in every way possible. It looks at the encounter He had with a Roman centurion as recorded by the gospel writer Matthew (8:5-13). Jesus was far more concerned about the heart of His...

Made Relational (Part 3)

The desire for relationship is natural and normal. However, if we don’t find our identity in a personal relationship with God through Jesus, our pursuit of having others validate us will persist. The resurrection is evidence that God desires relationship with people....

Made Relational (Part 2)

Healthy relationships give heed to what God has instructed in Scripture. Relationships that stray from this are left with consequences. How true this is in the home. This message is given in light of families who wish to dedicate their children to the Lord, vowing to...

Made Relational (Part 1)

Whether introverted or extroverted, all are made and designed for relationship.  This should not be a surprise since God is relational and people are made in His image.  This message outlines five principles key to developing and maintaining healthy...

Jesus-Centered Teaching

This stand alone message focuses on the encounter Jesus had with two blind men just days prior to His arrival in Jerusalem for Passover in which He would be arrested and crucified.  In a time Jesus could have been more focused on what was about to take place or...

Galatians: Jesus+Nothing=Everything

This message is the conclusion to the book of Galatians.  In the final chapter Paul addresses restoration of believers entrapped by sin, the principle of reaping what is sown, and shares concluding remarks.  Some of Paul’s main points from this book of...

Galatians: Jesus+Nothing=Everything

If a believer is not under law but under grace, called upon to serve others in love, and cautioned to not give way to the sinful nature – how does this happen? Galatians 5:16-26 is the answer which indicates it is all about life in the Spirit. Jesus’ death, burial,...

Galatians: Jesus+Nothing=Everything

In a few short verses Paul describes two approaches which determine the health of a church.  The approaches are polar opposite.  One leads to destruction.  Does that give you a clue where the other one leads? Scripture: Galatians 5:13-15

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