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Am I Available (Part 1)

A new mini-series is introduced in this message called “Am I Available?” focusing on our availability to allow God to use us however He deems best. The foundational truth wrestled with in this message is this: I am not my own. Once we recognize that we have been...

Twists & Turns (Part 6)

This is the conclusion of a six week series on the life of Joseph, looking at the “twists and turns” his life took. This message looks at the interaction of 11 brothers with Joseph as well as well as Joseph revealing his true identity to them. Joseph recognized God’s...

Twists & Turns (Part 5)

Have you been wronged by someone in the past and find it difficult to forgive? Perhaps with the passing of time you really struggle to forgive and find that bitterness has taken root and growing. As we continue to study the life of Joseph we learn at least 20 years...

Twists & Turns (Part 4)

After 13 years of slavery and imprisonment, Joseph was elevated to second in command in Egypt. In the matter of hours, he went from “pit” to palace. That which God promised to Joseph years prior through two dreams was beginning to become a reality. All the pain he...

Twists & Turns (Part 3)

How well do you wait? Are you in a “waiting season” right now? As this study continues from the life of Joseph, we realize Joseph did a lot of waiting. Eleven years passed from the time he was sent from his home to the time he interpreted the dream of the cupbearer...

Twists & Turns (Part 2)

This message continues to examine the life of Joseph. While Scripture tells us God was with Joseph giving him success in all he did, it almost seems that things went from bad to worse. Genesis 39 recounts false accusations made by Potiphar’s wife about Joseph, landing...

Twists & Turns (Part 1)

One doesn’t need to live all that long before realizing life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes these twists and turns include that which is unpleasant and perhaps even unfair. This message begins a study from the life of Joseph found in Genesis 37. He...

Generosity Challenge

Kingwood Bible Church is taking part of a seven-day Generosity Challenge provided by the leadership of our denomination, made available to all our sister churches. This message confronts the lies we may be tempted to believe that keep us from living a life of...

Put Your Hand to the Plow

One year ago we examined change in our morning worship gathering – thinking especially about that which does not change versus that which is open to change.  Five questions are asked to stir our minds and then a challenge to continue moving ahead as God paves the...

Intended to Bear Fruit

Jesus likened our relationship with him to a branch connected to a vine. Branches that bear no fruit are cut off; those that bear fruit yet have greater potential are pruned. Both procedures are painful. While we can trust our Father (the Gardener), our focus needs to...

Hungry for So Much More

The gospel writer Mark tells us of an encounter Jesus and his 12 disciples had with a very large crowd. In desiring an opportunity for rest, Jesus had his disciples get into a boat in search of a quiet, deserted place. But when they landed they were greeted by 5,000...

Guest Speaker

This message is given by guest speaker, Gary Wall. Gary is the district minister for the Pacific District Conference (PDC), ministering to over 120 churches and pastors. The PDC is part of the Mennonite Brethren Conference which Kingwood Bible Church is part of....

Guest Speaker

This message is given by guest speaker, Ron Friesen. Ron serves on the pastoral staff at Salem Alliance Church, leading LifePath, a 12-step recovery program. His messages focuses on the great grace of God.

The Holy Spirit & Restoration

In this sermon we look at the role and work of the Holy Spirit including his work of restoration both in the individual and church. There is a desperate need in us as individuals and as a church for the Holy Spirit to be given room to have His way.  Restoration...

Neither Poverty Nor Riches

This Sunday is the conclusion of a summer series from the book of Proverbs. Money is something Jesus was willing to address; King Solomon addressed this issue as well. The wisdom regarding one’s outlook on money, based on the book of Proverbs, speaks to the heart of...

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