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Jesus is Light – Christmas Eve

For this Christmas eve service, we light the final advent candle, remembering Jesus who has come into the world.  Although the world is described by the gospel writer John as being a dark place, Jesus came as light.  While light exposes that which can be...

A Plan for All People

This Christmas Eve morning worship service lights the fourth advent candle and focuses on Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”  We hear what God with us means to each of us on a practical level.  Then we focus on the rest of the nativity narrative found in Luke...

A Plan That Brought Change

Prophetic words from the Old Testament indicated that the coming Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth up until the final days of Mary’s pregnancy. But God had a plan, using a Roman emperor named Caesar Augustus to get his people to the...

The Plan Unfolds

For this second week of advent we consider the word “hope.”  While Mary was given opportunity to carry the Son of God, she also would have been confronted with hardship stemming from cultural stipulations placed on her.  She had to wonder how her family, her...

A Plan from the Beginning

For this first Sunday of advent we look at the theme of promise. The promise of a Savior goes back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve first sinned. This promise continues to unfold as time moves forward. God knew people would choose the path of...

You are Gifted – Part 4

This is the final study on spiritual gifts.  In this message, we take a look at the rest of the gifts listed in Scripture.  While this may not be an exhaustive list of spiritual gifts, they are the gifts we are certain God has determined to give. ...

You Are Gifted (Part 3)

This week we begin to give definition to the spiritual gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, and Ephesians 4:11-12. As you listen, consider whether the Holy Spirit has gifted you with any of these particular gifts. If none of...

You are Gifted – Part 2

This is a look at the passages in Scripture that list spiritual gifts (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-31; Ephesians 4:11-12). These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines, are all of great importance, and are given for the building up of the...

You Are Gifted – Part 1

Over the next few weeks we will engage a study on spiritual gifts. The foundation being laid for this series is a look at humility and the willingness to serve. For this, our attention is drawn to Jesus who demonstrated service when He washed the disciples feet. If...

You Can’t Lie About Greed

In this message we look at our fourth and final character – Gehazi, the servant of Elisha. Gehazi allowed greed to get in the way. Greed led to Gehazi lying to try to cover himself up. Greed and lying had their consequences. While Gehazi had the freedom to do as he...

A Heart That’s True

This week we consider the perspective of Elisha, one of God's prophets. Elisha was a man who was known, lived to make God known, and refused to be known for that which God is to be known. Elisha had a heart that is true. We too are known by those around us. How are...

Lessons from a Little Girl

This message takes a look at the narrative of Naaman, the leprous, but considers the perspective from his servant girl.  Think about how difficult it would have been for this Israelite girl to be taken captive from her family and homeland and yet still be willing...

God’s Pursuit // My Pride

We have recorded in 2 Kings 5 an encounter of Naaman, a high ranking commander in the Aramean army, with Elisha the prophet of God from Israel. Their paths cross due to a disease called leprosy. God uses all means to demonstrate His pursuit of people. The main thing...

Come to the Table

Habits can be good, but habits can also be dangerous. When we celebrate the Communion Table we need to guard that it doesn’t become a habit that is stripped of its meaning. This message revisits The Last Supper as recorded by the gospel writer Luke. The call to...

Change – Embracing the New

The past should serve as a teacher.  It should remind us that God is faithful.  While the past should be recognized and learned from, we need to embrace the present.  If our focus is only on what things used to be like, we will miss out on what God has...

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