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Joy In Pressing On! – Part 2

There is no escaping hardship in life, but hardship also does not need to go to waste. The apostle Paul recognized his hardship brought about something good. Join us as we delve further into the book of Philippians! Scripture: Philippians 1:12-30.

Joy In Pressing On! – Part 1

Is your life characterized by joy? In the midst of all that is taking place globally, nationally, and personally, can you say you have joy? And are you willing to press on regardless? Join us as we begin a new series from the book of Philippians! Scripture:...

Culturally Relevant, Biblically Sound – Part 3

As a follower of Jesus are you culturally relevant and biblically sound? Both are important! Join this message and hear from guest speaker, Dr. Joshua Duff, director of Ecola Bible College in Cannon Beach, Oregon.

Culturally Relevant, Biblically Sound – Part 2

Are you influenced more by culture, or by the Bible? If you were to answer that honestly, how would you respond? This message looks at the importance of remaining biblically sound. We are sorry but we are not able to embed this video. To watch the service, please...

Culturally Relevant, Biblically Sound – Part 1

What does it mean for a believer to practice cultural relevance? Does it excite you to hear of Christians desiring cultural relevance or scare you? This message begins a three week series considering this topic!

Great Commission & Great Commandment

It's a new year! Regardless of what comes this year, let's focus on direction we can collectively move in. What focus can we collectively pray about and put into practice?

The Gift of Peace – Part 2

Jesus promised his followers peace. Do you sense the peace he gives? He also seems to have given us hints as to what provides peace. Join us as we discuss this further! We are not able to embed this video. To view the recording please click on this link to...

Christmas Eve Recording

The message of Jesus is for the whole world. You are a part of this. Jesus came for you. Join us for a special pre-recorded video message from Pastor Nathan and his wife.

The Gift of Peace – Part 1

If you feel like life got turned upside down this last year, peace is still something you can know! Join us for Christmas Sunday as we discuss the topic of peace. We are not able to embed this video. To view the recording please click on this link to Facebook. It is...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 13

What recent or significant transitions have defined your life? How well do you deal with transitions? Join us for the conclusion of this series from 1 Samuel on "Transitions"!

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 12

The Bible includes some passages which are downright hard to understand and interpret. Perhaps occasionally we may even feel it easier if some passages were omitted altogether. This message takes a look at just such a passage!

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 11

The saga continues as Saul aggressively continues his pursuit of David's life. But this message focuses on how David responds when the tide changes and he could take control. It is a message which speaks to forgiveness and learning to let go. If you get an error...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 10

How do you respond when you feel like your life is in a desert? Why offer thankfulness when life isn't going as preferred? This message continues through the book of 1 Samuel offering insight for today! If you get an error message, we suggest using the Chrome browser...

Transitions: Lessons from 1 Samuel – Part 9

Sometimes jealousy is healthy...but most often it is unhealthy. In this message we consider a high-ranking man who let jealousy dictate his life. What a mess unhealthy jealousy creates! Join us we learn from a 3,000-year-old relationship with implications for today!...

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