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Applied Faith: Down From the Mountain

the Mount of Transfiguration story teaches us that the finished Kingdom will come but in the meantime we have work to do down from the mountain.

Our God Cares (Psalm 139)

Study of Psalm 139 which focuses on God's Providence--that He looks our for us wherever we are and in whatever circumstances we're in. Also, music by Russ Sweet and Anita Davis. Also retirement announcement.

No Turning Back (Golden Calf)

Exodus 32 is the story of the golden calf and the return to idolatry. We also make progress in 3 steps forward fashion.

Costly Love (Mothers Day)

Luke 2:21-52 continues the story of Jesus and his family - especially his mother, Mary. Included are readings from children and a song by men's chorus.

Worms to Beetles (Peter Ellis)

Study of Romans 12:2 and other references to transformation as a process rather than just an instant. Meal worms become beetles rather than butterflies.

Where Were You (Easter)

Luke 24 contains the story of the days immediately after the Crucifixion of Jesus. Kingwood children read and sing about it, Peter Ellis story-tells about the road to Emmaus, and Pastor Dave explains Jesus' visit to the group.

That Radical Jesus (Palm Sunday)

Luke 19:28-48 is the story of Jesus "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem. As a king, he was unusual in that he begins with the heart not the power. Also a song by Martha Schwartz on cello and Pat Veer on piano.

Sabbath (#4 of 10 Commandments)

Exodus 20:8 and Genesis 2:1-18 deal with the origin and value of the Sabbath rest--physically, community, and spiritually. Work and creativity form the backdrop for rest and worship.

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