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God’s Personality (#2 of 10 Commandments)

Exodus 20:4-6 is the second of the 10 commandments dealing with idols and God's personality. Also, music by quartet or Ryan Kargel, Peter Ellis, Sharon Anderson, and Anita Davis

Sin, Fear, and Grace (Exodus 19)

Exodus 19 reports on what happened just before the 10 commandments are given by God. The people were warned and afraid, which was the right response. But there's more than guilt and fear. There's grace.

To Know Him and to Make Him Known (Acts 17)

Acts 17:16-34 has The Apostle Paul in Athens, Greece to try communicating with the pagan and philosophical Greek culture. Lessons for us in dealing with the non-Christian world we live in.

Wise Men: You Might Be One !

Matthew 2:1-12 tells the story of the magi from the East. In this message Peter Ellis shows the world mission focus of this story with emphasis on how God speaks to people in a variety of ways to draw them to himself.

Seekers and Growers (Exodus 18)

#15 in Exodus series. Study of Exodus 18 where Moses' father-in-law Jethro becomes a believer. Lessons for heart and faith transformations.

A Mile In Our Shoes (Christmas)

The theological explanation behind Jesus coming to earth as a baby--the incarnation. Philippians 2:1-11 gives overview and Matthew 4:1-11 gives an example of what Jesus did for us while on earth--the temptation in the wilderness.

Angels (Christmas)

A look at Matthew chapter 1 with focus on the ministry of angels here and elsewhere in the Bible - and in our lives. Also music by Christian Dykes.

Genuine Seekers (Christmas)

Study of Matthew 2--the story of the Magi or wisemen. Global interest of God and this gospel rather than just local or Jewish.

Manna and Quail (Exodus 16)

Study of Exodus 16 in which the people complain and God provides manna and quail to eat--with instructions. Thanksgiving theme. Also music by Peter, Pat, and Martha trio

Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 13)

Exposition of Exodus 13--the Red Sea Crossing. Sub-title is "The End of a chapter, not the end of the story" to show that while the Red Sea crossing, like receiving Christ, is a major event, it's really just the beginning of a journey filled with exciting...

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